還我$40啊 orz
"倒還真的描繪得很仔細" | |
-- Steve Wozniak (Apple第二號員工) |
An Information Campaign
------- 翻譯開始 -------
我有 iPhone 最新版 base band 05.11.07 的SIM卡解鎖軟體,
將在 2009年 11月 4日正式推出,
售價 0 元
首先, Jody Sanders, 我要拒絕你的 $10,000美金。
為什麼? 因為你, 還有其餘那些 iPhone 解鎖(unlock)網站都是人渣
你們靠販賣免費軟體賺錢, 這樣一點都不屌, 而且我絕不可能讓這種鬼事合理化。
說真的, 真正受害的都是消費者(按: 一般大眾), 這些網站都充斥著公開的謊言, 宣稱他們有 05.11.07 的解鎖工具,
然後再告訴花錢買回家的人說: "破解軟體仍在研發當中, 發行日期未定"
試想, 如果你花錢買了一杯咖啡結果店員跟你說咖啡還在開發中??????
最近這些網站甚至開始寄發 e-mail 表示軟體有了重大突破, 預計 11月4號就可以解鎖新版iPhone.
怎麼這麼巧, 這天正好是 blacksn0w 的發行日期
我不打算把這些詐騙網站都貼上來, 這只會提升他們的網路排名(PageRank)
世界上只有兩組人正在著手研究 iPhone 解鎖, 就是我(Geohot) 和 dev team
其他每一個所謂的"iPhone 解鎖網站"就是把我們的智慧財產重新包裝來販賣
越獄(按: Jailbreak, JB) 也是一樣, 不過 ih8sn0w 和 chronicdev 是合法的 (按: 合法 - 也就是沒有盜用他人的智慧財產)
你們有沒有注意到這些"合法"解鎖軟體的共通點? 都是免費的.
儘管我的律師團對在外界素以兇猛著稱, 他們其實只是些很弱的律師
所以我們必須用別的方法來對付他們, 而我需要你們每一個人的幫忙
讓這個世界知道真相: 所有 iPhone 解鎖和越獄, 都是免費的
那些你在 "解鎖網站" 花錢買來的東西, 都是簡單的 google 就可以找到的,
讓我們一起揭開真相, 讓這些網站無法經營(原: shut all these assholes down),
讓這世界讓所有的 iPhone 使用者知道, 他們需要的全部都在 blackra1n.com,
包括 11月4日將正式推出的 blacnksn0w 說明(沒錯, 可以直接在JB後的 iPhone 上啟動解鎖)
你們負責幫我把消息宣傳出去, 而我會讓一切(JB, 解鎖 iPhone) 儘可能的 直覺, 簡單, 穩定
還有四天 (按: 剩兩天了 囧)
------- 翻譯結束 -------
I have an unlock for 05.11.07. I will be releasing on 11/04/09, for $0.00
First off, Jody Sanders, I am declining your $10,000. Why? Because you, and the rest of the iPhone unlock sites out there are scum. You make money selling freeware; that's not cool, and I am in no way going to legitimize it.
Seriously, the people who really lose here are the customers. These sites are full of blatant lies, claiming to have unlocks for 05.11.07 People buy them, and are told the unlock is in development, and the release date is unknown. Imagine you bought a cup of coffee and were told it's in development? Recently, many of these sites sent out e-mails saying they made major breakthroughs and the unlock will be ready 11/04/09. Coincidence that that's the release date of blacksn0w?
I'm not going to post all these scam sites here, as I don't want to give them the pagerank boost. Rather I'll give you a whitelist, two people make unlocks, me and the dev team. Every iPhone unlock site you see out there is selling our stuff, repackaged in some form or another. Same goes for jailbreaks, although ih8sn0w and chronicdev are legit. Notice what all the legit ones have in common? They are free.
Now despite rumors of the ferocity of my legal team, they actually are pretty poor lawyers. And the scum who run these websites are the type who get off on legal battles. So we have to fight them in another way, and I'm asking for everyones help on this. Our weapon is information. Get the truth out, that all iPhone unlocks and jailbreaks are free, and if you are buying something, you aren't getting anything a simple google search couldn't get you, and are probably funding someones crack habit.
This is the first time I have tried to make something simple for the end users, and it enrages me to see people selling it. Let's shut all these assholes down, and tell the iPhone owning world all they need is at blackra1n.com, including blacksn0w instructions on it's release date, 11/04/09(yes, will support hacktivation). You do your part, and I'll do mine making things as simple, reliable, and straightforward as possible.
You have 4 days.
Gl = Lp / Lf
Lf: 手指到支點距離(mm)
Lp: 推進器到支點距離(mm)
G1: 拉桿放大率
G2 = ((Rc1)^2 + (Rc2)^2 + ... + (Rci)^2) * n / ((Rp)^2)
Rp: 推進器半徑(mm)
Rci: 第i個卡鉗活塞半徑(mm)
n: 卡鉗數量
G2: 油壓放大率
G3 = G1 * G2
拉桿力臂 (mm) | 活塞直徑 (mm) | 總放大率 (G3) | ||||||
手指 (Lf) | 推進器 (Lp) | 放大率 (G1) | 推進器 (Rp) | 卡鉗活塞1 (Rc1) | 卡鉗活塞2 (Rc2) | 放大率 (G2) | ||
11mm側推 單二卡鉗 (VTR250原廠設定) | 80 | 28 | 2.9 | 11 | 24 | 24 | 9.5 | 27.2 |
Frando 14mm直推 單二卡鉗 | 110 | 20 | 5.5 | 14 | 24 | 24 | 5.9 | 32.3 |
我車上的 | 服務手冊 | JOG50(偽) | |
主油嘴(M.J.) | 72.5 | 72.5 | 72.5 |
副油嘴(P.J.) | 32.5 | 35 | 35 |
油針(J.N.) | 4DM7 | 4CN3 | 3CR7 |
活塞切口(C.A.) | 3.5 | 3.5 | 3.0 |